Since becoming a Christian in 1975 | Reflections on my life in the Kingdom of God

Since becoming a Christian in 1975 I began a new life in the Kingdom of God. Everything about me has been about that, about what it means to live "in my Father's house". That was almost 40 years ago. In relation to the eternal life of God such a small amount of time is invisible in the universe unless he graciously brings it to light, unless he gives it meaning. I'm thankful he can and does do such things for me and for all of his children.

For me, this briefest of moment in time has required all my attention. So much has happened, so much forgotten, and so much to be thankful for. I have deep regrets over my failures, my shortcomings, my sins, and the backsliding from God that have marked my journey. I have not always stayed on the "straight and narrow way". That has caused me and others such unnecessary suffering, pains that God foresaw but did not ordain as a requirement of life in his Kingdom.

Thinking about my life now and in this way I'm reminded of the gracious patience God has shown me through the ministry of his Son and Spirit as they have led me time and again back to the path of life. His forgiveness and regeneration of my spirit have been my only hope and to this day I cannot live without his grace working in me. I have learned the magnificent truth of Jesus words, "Without me you can do nothing". How I wish I had always been faithful to him!

I began these thoughts from the realization that everything I think, say, and do is about life in the Kingdom of God. Despite the growing weakness in my body, the infirmities of aging I cannot transcend until the redemption of my body, I continue to long for a richer life in the spirit through daily renewal in the Spirit of Christ. When I ask myself about what comes next and wonder how I will respond or what the will of God is for me today, I know that I can trust his guidance, that my present happiness and eternal rest depend on receiving his Word and Spirit in faith.

I continue to have the responsibility given me by God when I was born again, born from above by his Spirit almost 40 years ago. That responsibility is one of discipleship and all such a life means to me and to those God has brought into my life. The same spiritual disciplines that form and shape my life in the Kingdom are necessary for my standing, walking, and resting in the supreme love of God.

He continues to abide with me and guide by the Word. Jesus is the Word, inspired in Scripture and living through the Spirit in my heart. He continues to meet me in prayer as both my friend and my King. I am called to fast at time to remember my dependance on him and the dangers of my flesh, my appetites that can lead me away from him and hurt others. His Spirit leads me to worship him alone and with others on the Sabbath. That too is part of my spiritual discipline, my instruction on the healthy boundaries of life in the Kingdom. Trials and tribulations are still a part of his way with me. He test my heart through them as he does everything in the Kingdom, that we might know our needs and learn how to comfort others with the comfort he gives to us.

In fact, life in the Kingdom of God is the good life, a whole life, the one true reality of what life is meant to be as God created it and redeems it for his children in the is dark world of sin. It is a Kingdom of light seen and experienced by faith through grace alone. In this way, every aspect of it, every point of contact in it, every instance of God's act toward me in, as, and through Jesus Christ is relevant for me and for all who relate to me in some way. My life is a Kingdom life.

Meditating on these things again today, as I've done a thousand times before, gives me courage to move through my weakness to take hold of his right hand, his hand of power, and continue the walk that will someday allow me to see him face to face in all his glory.

Only through the blood of Jesus spilled on the cross for my justification and sanctification has my Kingdom life been possible. From the ignorance of my birth in the flesh I've needed his blood to cover the corruption I've inherited along with every other child of the rebellion. Even as I write, as I live in flesh and spirit just now, only through the sprinkling of blood by Jesus, my High Priest before the throne of God, can anything about my being or actions be made acceptable in the presence of divine holiness. My prayers, my praise, my worship to do ascend up to him in spotless purity, but all must be purified by the Lamb's blood on the white hot coals of the alter. His life in his blood stands for mine. His life is my life. For it to be so, his blood had to be shed. There is power in the blood and in this moment and for each to come I can only live if I keep my faith in him.

He draws me into himself as his blood sanctifies my prayers. When I pray for myself and for others, praying in the Spirit who teaches me how and intercedes for me, I know that his blood makes them acceptable and enables their fulfillment and encourages me to go further, to go deeper, to long more fervently for the richness of life in his Kingdom.

I write these things to remind and encourage the saints of the Kingdom, those who share my citizenship and blessings in Christ. I also write, speak, teach, and listen in behalf of those who are still outside, those who are wandering and lost, or for those who are desperately seeking the peace and meaning only found in God through Christ our Lord.

I offer my reflections knowing how imperfect I am in myself, how imperfectly they express the divine Life. I offer them only in the power of the cross that I know will make friends where it finds only enemies. I write in the knowledge informed by faith that God remains in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself.