First Try At The New Evernote Blog Service

I’m trying out Evernote’s blogging platform. It's beta so there may be some bugs, as Evernote advises. I like the idea of easy integration with my Evernote notes should I want to simply drag one on to the blog. Since I'm looking to blog text with a free, minimal interface, this may be "it".

Thought I've blogged on Squarespace since 2006,, the cost is a problem since I'm not using all the features. And I’m moving toward a more minimal style, at least in form. Getting older does that to some us.

One have to be sure the note your writing is living in the notebook designated in your blog settings. Tagging a note as "published" will not publish if your in another notebook. It may be clearer to you in the Welcome Note you receive from Evernote when your blog is created. It simply says "this notebook", which I wasn't sure about. I'm a bit slow.

We'll see how it goes. I'll tag this "published" as directed and see what it looks like online.

[Edit: I first published the note above in Times New Roman. Now I'm trying another font (for this edit) just to test the formatting...bold, italic, font. Unfortunately, you cannot change the post's title font or size. I'm sure limited formatting will be a downside for some people, but I'm okay with what I have here. After all, Evernote as a system is about simplicity and power of use, not bells and bongs.]